Elishewitz Pharaoh silver plain

Výrobce: CRKT
Elishewitz Pharaoh silver plain
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Deatil Elishewitz Pharaoh silver plain

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80435

Na této stránce najdete :

Yes, yes, we know. Those of you who love to drool over Allen Elishewitz’s web site of exquisite custom knives have pointed out that our production CRKT Pharaoh™ is very different from Allen’s custom Pharaoh. Sorry for any confusion, but this is a unique design that incorporates many of Allen’s themes, and we felt it was so special it deserved to be called “king.” You will look very hard to find a production knife in this price class that is anything like the Pharaoh, so it does stand a bit larger than life.

First there is the unique blade grind, reminiscent of the traditional “long clip blade” of a century ago, with Allen’s own innovations. The tip is designed for penetration, with a swedged top edge. But the center of the blade is recurved, with a high hollow grind, making it ideal for feeding material to the cutting edge— wood, cord, vegetation. The blade is AUS 8 premium stainless steel in a bead-blast finish. Both Razor-Sharp and Combined Razor-Sharp and Triple-Point™ Serrated edge grinds are available.

The frame is about the strongest we can imagine, with dual stainless steel liners, brushed stainless steel bolsters, textured injection-molded Zytel® scales, and a solid Zytel back spacer at the spine.

New black-out models. This year we’ve added black-on-black “K” models with titanium nitride blade coating, plus black liners, bolsters, fasteners and clip.

The Pharaoh is a button lock, featuring steel-on-steel lockup. In addition, we have added our patented* AutoLAWKS™ automatic safety, which engages when the blade is opened and locked. We believe this combination makes just about the strongest and most secure lockup possible in a folder.

Dual checkered thumb studs allow fast either-hand opening. To close the Pharaoh, you must pull back the AutoLAWKS lever with the finger while pressing the button lock. The chances that this folder can close accidentally are very minimal, if not absolutely zero.

The Pharaoh uses Torx® fasteners throughout. The stainless steel pocket/gear clips are removable, and high-mounted for low in-pocket carry.

Historically, the pharaohs were held in awe by all those around them. We think our Pharaoh is awesome, too. It might just be the most remarkable folder we have ever built.


Blade length: 9.2 cm

Thickness: 0.35 cm

Steel: AUS 8, 58-59 HRC

Overall length closed: Handle length: 12.1 cm

Overall length open: 21.0 cm

Weight: 198 g

Obj. kód : S80435

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