dodání cca 1-2 měsíce
Obj. kód : 40401
Na této stránce najdete :
The final form of Inchingo's Zangetsu, named Tensa Zangetsu (Chains Of Heaven-Slicing Moon), is considered completely out of the ordinary for any zanpakut ichigo's final release appears to be a compression of his power, rather than a vast expansion as other final releases are. This hugely compressed power enables Ichigo to move at an incredible speed, surpassing flash steps, and gives him an agility and reflexes to match, while allowing him to use his strength to its limits. The Tensa Zangetsu is consists of an ordinary katana with a black blade, a handguard in the shape of the manji, which is the kanji for "ban" (full), and a short broken chain dangling as the blade's tassel and replacing the cloth from its released form.
Overall length: 100 cm
Blade length: 71.5 cm
Handle length: 28.5 cm
Obj. kód : 40401
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