Halligans Slip K.I.S.S.

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Halligans Slip K.I.S.S.
Cena s DPH

Deatil Halligans Slip K.I.S.S.

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80489

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As the noted architect Mies Van Der Rohe said, “Less is more.” And this Ed Halligan design is an answer to your request for a little less of his very popular K.I.S.S.® knives. We had customers say, “How about a simple pocket knife version that uses a traditional slip joint? No frame locks, no clips. Just the lightest possible knife for everyday pen knife chores like opening packages and sharpening pencils.” We told Ed what you wanted.

Ed went away to his workshop in his usual quiet way, and one day a package arrived with the prototype of our Slip K.I.S.S.® folder. The result is the lightest full-size K.I.S.S. knife yet. It has a 2.75-inch blade, but weighs in at only 1.8 ounces. Wow!

Ed has removed everything but the bare essentials, and in the process he has solved some deceptively challenging design problems. For example, the classic slip-joint pocket knife usually has a steel frame with full-length brass liners. Ed minimized the stainless steel frame, and riveted on two small brass liners to locate the blade laterally. For proper blade/frame alignment, Ed had to put a unique twist in the frame. In the process, there is a deep finger choil for grip. As a final touch, the frame is engine turned, like the firewall on a vintage Bugatti Type 37 racer.

Next, he added two carefully contoured scales for comfort and as blade guards. We have been able to injection mold them from a strong and lightweight composite that has a translucent abalone shell look.

The high-carbon steel blade looks at first glance like any other flat-ground drop point pocket knife, with a nail nick for opening. But it is unusual in that the grind is asymmetrical—about 80% on the front, and nearly flat on the back—similar to other K.I.S.S. family designs.

No, the Slip K.I.S.S. is not a heavy-duty work knife. Our catalog is full of knives with advanced locks and patented safeties intended for arduous cutting chores, so please choose one of them if you have a rough job to do.

However, if you want a great lightweight pocket knife at a great price, with lots of style and a little bling-bling, then look no further.


Blade: Length: 70 mm

Thickness: 2.8 mm

Steel: 3Cr13, 52-55 HRC

Closed: Handle length: 91 mm

Open: Overall length: 152 mm

Weight: 51 g

Obj. kód : S80489

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