Game Of Thrones - Nights Watch Dragonglass Dagger Set

Game Of Thrones - Nights Watch Dragonglass Dagger Set
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Deatil Game Of Thrones - Nights Watch Dragonglass Dagger Set

Dodání : cca 1-2 měsíce

Obj. kód : 0208220006

Na této stránce najdete :

Game Of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire - Night's Watch Dragonglass Dagger Set
Officially licensed product from the Fantasy book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin

The Night's Watch Dagger is made from obsidian, a naturally occurring volcanic glass called "Dragonglass" in the fantasy epic Game of Thrones®. The baneful White Walkers can only be killed when struck with weapons made of Valyrian steel or dragonglass.

This exclusive, officially licensed Night's Watch Dragonglass Dagger Set was created from the fantasy world of author George R.R. Martin's best-selling saga A Song of Ice and Fire (adapted into HBO's hit TV series Game of Thrones®).

Each piece in this highly collectible set was meticulously designed based on George R.R. Martin's extensive notes and descriptions. They all have been crafted with close attention to detail and no effort was spared to achieve the most possible authentic rendition of the items described in the source material.

Strictly limited to 2500 pieces, each dagger is serialized (diamond-etched with an individual serial number) and comes with a certificate of authenticity personally autographed by George R.R. Martin.

This set was designed as a "Beyond the Wall Survival Kit" issued to a ranger of the Night's Watch about to leave Castle Black to go on a mission. It includes:
- 1 hand-crafted genuine obsidian dagger
- 1 black leather sheath
- 5 obsidian arrowheads
- 1 black leather belt pouch
- 1 map of Wildling territory
- 1 letter from Jon Snow (written by GRRM) issuing your orders
- 1 wooden storage box, approx. 15 x 30 cm

Dagger's dimensions:
- Overall length: approx. 26 cm
- Blade length: approx. 14 cm

Obj. kód : 0208220006

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