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Obj. kód : S7017
Na této stránce najdete :
Armour, also spelled armor (especially in American English), is protective plates or clothing meant to shield a human from intentionally inflicted harm. Armour has been in use for all recorded history, beginning with hides, leather, bone, progressing to bronze, steel, ballistic cloth, ceramics, and depleted uranium. Armour has been primarily a way to protect oneself from harm in combat and military engagements.
Armour was also commonly used to protect war animals, such as war horses and war elephants, from intentionally inflicted harm.
Armour also often refers in a modern military context to the armoured fighting vehicle and the formations based around them.
All through history, the development of weapons and armour have literally been an arms race, leading to different developments in different civilizations.
This cuirass is made of strong steel and wearable.
Obj. kód : S7017
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