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Filmové repliky



The Hobbit - Morgul Blade, the Dagger of the Nazgul

The Hobbit - Morgul Blade, the Dagger of the Nazgul
Cena s DPH

Deatil The Hobbit - Morgul Blade, the Dagger of the Nazgul

Dodání : cca 1-2 měsíce

Obj. kód : UC2990

Na této stránce najdete :

The Hobbit - Morgul Blade, the Dagger of the Nazgul

This authentically detailed replica is a reproduction of the actual filming prop. The Morgul-blade is approx 64 cm overall, featuring a stainless AUS-6 steel blade, solid metal hilt parts, and a leather wrapped grip, all authentically "aged" and "battle worn" with a distressed, acid-etched finish to duplicate the original movie prop as closely as possible. It is presented with a wood wall display (mounting hardware and instructions included) featuring a graphic motif of the Witch-king crown, and includes a certificate of authenticity.

- Overall lenght: approx. 64 cm
- Blade length: approx. 44 cm
- Material: AUS-6 stainless steel
- Wooden wall display with Witch-King Design
- Includes a certificate of authenticity

Please note!
We do not sell this product to customers under the age of 18. Please mention your birth date when order. We also need a copy of your ID-card or passport by email, scan, fax or mail.
Shipping weight: 2.60 kg

Obj. kód : UC2990

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