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Samurajské meče

Steven Seagal Sword Breaker

Steven Seagal Sword Breaker
Cena s DPH

Deatil Steven Seagal Sword Breaker

Dodání : cca 1-2 měsíce

Obj. kód : CST-88CWSS

Na této stránce najdete :

Steven Seagal Sword Breaker

Steven Seagal Signature Series:
Steven Seagal is a Martial Artist who needs no introduction. He found international acclaim and celebrity for his high-octane action movies, but his first and foremost love is the world of Martial Arts.
With an encyclopedic knowledge of the Japanese warrior arts, a wealth of experience with the Katana, a 7th Dan black belt in the art of aikido and a lifetime of training, he is still a much-in-demand instructor and consultant. Whether working specialist techniques with Mixed Martial Artists or travelling the world teaching seminars, there is no doubt that Steven is still a force to be reckoned with!

Steven Seagal Sword Breaker:

Cold Steel's stunning signature edition Steven Seagal Sword Breaker takes its inspiration from an antique weapon from Steven's personal collection - but rather than simply make an exact copy of the original, Steven worked with Cold Steel President Lynn C. Thompson to bring together their combined knowledge and create a modern combative version of the historical classic.

They developed a Sword Breaker that was big enough to deliver powerful percussive blows, but still perfectly balanced and capable of nimble flowing moves and subtle counters.

Taking the original weapon as inspiration, Lynn and Steven lengthened the handle and counterbalanced the Sword Breaker to facilitate a one- or two-handed grip, then added a sharp thrusting point to make a formidable new weapon.

Nicknamed the Sword Slayer during prototyping, this fascinating weapon is also a thing of beauty. With richly blackened fullers and hand-polished highlights, the "blade" is as good looking as it is effective.

- Material: 1055 high carbon steel
- Overall length: approx. 94 cm
- Blade length: approx. 61 cm
- Blade thickness: approx. 19 mm
- Handle length: approx. 33 cm
- Weight: approx. 2075 g
- Incl. rosewood scabbard with blackened iron fittings
- Cold Steel Product No.: 88CWS

Obj. kód : CST-88CWSS

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