Raptor Wakizashi

Raptor Wakizashi
Cena s DPH

Deatil Raptor Wakizashi

Dodací doba cca měsíc

Obj. kód : SH2422

Na této stránce najdete :

Designed under the auspices of cutting master James Williams the Raptor series, our new line of cutting katanas, has been created for the cutting practitioner who does not necessarily have access to mats but who wishes to practice and perfect his cutting technique. The blades are forged in 5160 high-carbon steel and specially heat treated to produce very high resilience and greater tolerance of misdirected cuts than a conventional differentially tempered blade. This steel structure also avoids the need for excessive thickness, allowing the blades to replicate the weight and handling characteristics of Japanese originals. The edge geometry is configured to facilitate the cutting of both soft and semi-hard materials without chipping, allowing the cutter a wide choice of targets.

Each katana in the series features a unique blade style, each with its origins in Japanese swordmaking history, providing the cutting practitioner with choices in both aesthetics and handling characteristics.

While the Wakizashi and Tanto of the Raptor series providing matching pieces for any of the Raptor katanas, they are in their own right designed as very effective cutting tools. Made in the blade style of James Williams’ personal Nami Ryu swords, these pieces will allow the cutting practitioner to perfect techniques for each of the three weapons, at the same time as they complete an impressive display.

Raptor Series Construction Details:

Blade -Forged from 5160 high-carbon steel, marquenched to an edge hardness of 57HRc.
Tang (Nakago) -Full length, double pegged.
Ferrule (Habaki) -Brass
Handle (Tsuka) -Wood core, genuine rayskin (Same), special non-stretch sueded wrap (Tsuka- ito) for firm grip and wear resistance. Raptor feathers hilt ornaments (Menuki).
Guard (Tsuba) -Traditional blackened iron, Raptor motif.
Fitting (Fuchi/Kashira) -Blackened steel, Raptor motif.
Scabbard (Saya) -Wood, non-fingerprinting textured laquer finish.

Made by Hanwei.

Obj. kód : SH2422

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19.6.2011 22:21P. Majko: Tanto
1.8.2011 14:50Blahuš: re: Tanto
22.9.2016 03:43YnxodXN0B8: z1CSPoTOQ
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