Houndskull bascinet, AD 1390, battle-ready

Houndskull bascinet, AD 1390, battle-ready
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Deatil Houndskull bascinet, AD 1390, battle-ready

Dodání : cca 2 měsíce

Obj. kód : ULF-HM-03

Na této stránce najdete :

Houndskull bascinet, approx. 1390

The houndskull was a form of bascinet with a visor covering the entire face.
It is the visor which gives the helmet its name, as this resembles the face of a dog
("hound" or, in German, "Hund"), with a protruding muzzle in order to better protect the face from
blows and to grant greater ventilation. An other name for this helmet is "pig face bascinet".
Up to about 1420 this was the preferred helmet of knights throughout Europe.

This reproduction is based on a hounskull made in Milan around 1390 a.d.
It is part of the armour from Churburg, Tyrol. It is handmade from 2 mm steel plate, riveted
and welded to insure robustness and best possible protection during battle reenactment.
The helmet has a completely removeable, hinged visor, attachable with a peg attached
with a chain. A padded liner is fixed to the helmet.

The brass rivets at the side serve for attachment of an aventail for chest and shoulders.
Our line of aventails are available in various mail patterns and may be found in the chain
mail category.

- Delivery includes a high-quality padded liner.
- Made from 2 mm steel plate

Size chart:
Size max. circumference Head Inner distance back- to forehead approx. Inner distance ear to ear approx. Weight approx.
S 59 cm 21,5 cm 18 cm 3,15 kg
M 62 cm 22 cm 19,5 cm 3,5 kg
L 64 cm 23 cm 21,5 cm 3,75 kg

This is an orginal ULFBERTH® product.
Shipping weight: 4.30 kg

Obj. kód : ULF-HM-03

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